Information about medications ordered for administration to patients in AHS and affiliated outpatient clinics has been a historical gap to community providers, as it is not accessible via Alberta Netcare. As of March 20, 2025, a new "Connect Care Outpatient Med Orders" display will be available in Netcare.
Key points about the medication information that will be available in this display:
- Data will be updated in real time.
- Data is not available via PIN (Pharmaceutical Information Network) but will be in a separate tab in the medication section of Netcare.
- The medications that will be listed are based on medication orders originating from Connect Care outpatient clinics. This means they are prescribed, but not necessarily dispensed or administered. This differs from information in PIN, which is based on dispensed medications.
- Some workflows in Home Care generate orders that may also be included in the new display. These are used for administration documentation for Home Care patients and are transcribed from a prescriber order. Details for those medications are already available in PIN.
For more information, see the 1-pager.