
BBHR: New "Medical Readiness" Button Adds to Discharge Planning Tool Kit

Building a Better Health Record (BBHR)

As part of our documentation quality improvement initiative, we promote practical ways for clinicians to provide clear and actionable communication at transitions of care.

New "Medical Readiness" Button in Transition Planning Tools

Connect Care provides a set of integrated supports that can help clinicians anticipate and plan for a patient's discharge from hospital. Designed to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration, the Transition Planning Package improves communications within and across encounters.

Recent enhancements (March 2025) provide a new way to indicate medical readiness for discharge for straightforward admissions.

A patient is "medically ready" for discharge when the primary provider discipline (referred to as "medical" for simplicity) for an inpatient encounter has completed clinical tasks and the patient is dischargeable. Other needs (e.g., further mobility promotion, destination facility readiness, community home care readiness) may delay discharge after a patient is medically ready. Connect Care provides discharge planning tools that can facilitate determinations about when a patient is medically ready for discharge. 

Simple Medical Readiness

  • The EDD editing tool is enhanced (March 2025) to include a binary button ("Ready Now", "Not Yet Ready") that can be used to indicate whether a patient is medically ready for discharge. The date of determination is automatically recorded. 
  • Demo: Medical Readiness for Discharge

Complex Medical Readiness

  • A multidisciplinary discharge readiness planning tool can be accessed from within the Rapid Rounds List (double-click on the Readiness column "traffic light" symbol), Rapid Rounds Report (click on the "discharge readiness" section text) or sidebar transition planning tools (again, click on the "discharge readiness" section text).
  • A pop-up tool facilitates simultaneous management of multidisciplinary indicators of discharge readiness, expected discharge date (EDD), discharge destination and the level of care. It also provides a space where teams can record discharge planning notes, which can be iteratively updated in a wiki-like fashion.
  • Tip: Discharge Readiness Integrated Planner
  • Demo: Discharge Readiness Integrated Planner