
Document & Results Routing Optimization – eDelivery Routing Changes and Downtime January 27, 2025, 00:30-02:30

On Monday, January 27, 2025, the next implementation stage of the Connect Care Results Routing Optimization project will take place. This stage will improve the electronic delivery of some results and clinical documents to healthcare providers by making "eDelivery" (i.e., the system responsible for electronically delivering clinical information to community clinic electronic medical records [EMRs]) available as a routing method in Connect Care for more types of clinical information. 

This change will impact all providers who have eDelivery, whether they work solely in the community or in the community and at AHS (“mixed-context providers”), by reducing duplicative delivery. In addition, Connect Care prescribers will see the new eDelivery delivery method when authoring a summative document/note or other communication where the delivery method can be chosen, and should be aware of the appropriate action (see the "What you need to do" section below). 

While the change is being implemented on January 27 from 00:30 to 02:30, impacted Connect Care orders and results will be queued and downtime and recovery procedures should be followed as needed. The orders/results will be transmitted when service is restored.

Summary of changes

  • Reduced duplication: This change resolves most duplication with eDelivery. Clinical documentation and results will, in most cases, be sent to a single location and via a single delivery method, based on the best available system information and on user entry or provider preferences.
  • Expanded eDelivery: This change will expand eDelivery to send more letters to EMRs.
  • More consistency: Clinical information will more often be delivered to providers based off the preferences they have provided. 
  • Impacted users:
    • All users who enter providers for routing of DI, cardiology, endoscopy, or letters including DI, endoscopy, and cardiology clerks; endoscopists
    • All users who author letters including physicians
    • All users who receive patient results and use the patient care team to receive results for their patients
  • Included clinical information:
    • Diagnostic imaging results
    • Cardiology results (excluding ECG)
    • Endoscopy reports/results (e.g., colonoscopy report)
    • Letters (e.g., consult letter)
    • Shared summative documents/notes (e.g., discharge summary)
  • Excluded clinical information:
    • Lab and ECG result delivery are expected to be added to this optimization later in 2025.
    • Community DI (e.g., Mayfair, MIC) and other community services deliver their own results and are not impacted.
    • Appointment/scheduling and referral notifications from Connect Care are not impacted. 
    • EMR eNotifications for patient admissions/visits are not impacted.

What you need to do
  • Do not override the default communications delivery method: Connect Care users will see a new “eDelivery” delivery method in workflows where the delivery method can be chosen (click the camera icon below to see a screenshot). Users should select the appropriate provider and correct location (if known) in these workflows; however, they should avoid selecting the delivery method (i.e., overriding the default) unless necessary. Now that the system has address-level delivery methods and can better support eDelivery, system defaults are preferred in most cases, as these better align with provider preferences.
  • Add/update your Patient Care Team location: Physicians and clinicians may wish to add/update their membership on patient care teams using the "Care Teams" activity to direct information to an alternate location; the preferred location on the care team is used for routing. See the tip sheet for details.
  • Get support: Providers are asked to call the AHS Provincial Service Desk (1-877-311-4300) if they have not received clinical documents and results as expected (have your PracID available).