
Order Sets - Order-Related Clinical Decision Supports

While we will highlight new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions in our Support channel if the change has a wide impact on prescribers, often changes are not flagged when the change is intuitive and does not require a new skill to be developed.

One such change could include a new or updated order set. Order sets (or "SmartSets" in outpatient contexts) are organized collections of information, tools and orderables that address a specific health condition or management challenge. They are one of the types of protocolled orders available in Connect Care that combine documentation, decision and inquiry-support for a more efficient and error-free ordering workflow. Clinicians are helped with uncommon health problems when, for example, the most relevant intervention orders are complemented by digests of relevant evidence-informed guidance. 

Our build teams do their best to make order sets as intuitive as possible. So, while it is a good idea to bookmark or subscribe to the Support channel to receive notice of updates in Connect Care, often, in the case of new/updated order sets, the "what you need to know" is simply to use the order set and follow the guidance embedded directly in that order set.