
Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 58: Plan Meeting Adjustments

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Adjust Meeting Schedules in your Clinical Area
A prior item encouraged advance planning for clinical service impacts at the time of Connect Care launch. Similar planning is needed to adjust clinical business and other meetings to fit with launch needs.

Many Connect Care launch-related meetings fill the weeks just before and after launch. Some of these are prescriber-focused, including daily meetings to capture emerging issues, assign resources and review remedies. There are lots of opportunities for prescribers to have input.

Given inevitable launch demands, it is recommended that all non-essential other meetings be deferred to protect the week before and at least 3 weeks after the launch date.

This is a good time to look ahead at meeting schedules for October 28–November 28 and identify sessions that could be cancelled or rescheduled.