
BBHR: Integrated Discharge Planning Tool Eases Team Edits

Building a Better Health Record (BBHR)

As part of our documentation quality improvement initiative, we promote practical ways for clinicians to provide clear and actionable communication at transitions of care.

Integrated Discharge Planning 'Traffic Lights'

The Rapid Rounds patient list includes a "Readiness" column with 'traffic light' symbols indicative of a patient's readiness for discharge. This indicator is based upon determinations from multiple health care disciplines. Double-clicking on the column icon for a patient brings up an integrated discharge planning tool that facilitates simultaneous editing of readiness, expected discharge date, discharge destination and level of care. 

The same tool can be adctivated from the Rapid Rounds Report (click on the "discharge readiness" section text) or the chart Sidebar Transition Plan (again, click on the "discharge readiness" section text).