
Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 79: Complete InfoCare (On Our Best Behaviours) Training

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Complete InfoCare Privacy Awareness Training
This one applies to everyone. Every prescriber must complete an online self-directed eLearning module entitled "InfoCare - On Our Best Behaviours" (OOBB). This solidifies understanding about responsible behaviours when working with personal health information. 

All prescribers must complete the module. Completion is demonstrated in a final section where commitment to privacy protection is affirmed with a series of statements. Access to Connect Care is not possible without OOBB affirmation. AHS physician privileges are also contingent. 

Log in to MyLearningLink.ahs.ca (MLL) with your AHS username and password. Search the available courses using "InfoCare". Anticipate spending about 20 minutes.

Get in touch with help.cmio@ahs.ca if you have difficulty getting credit for course completion. Macintosh users: save time by checking our MLL Manual section and tip sheet first. These resources also explain how to use an attestation tool if MLL does not credit course completion.