
All User Bulletin: Admission and Discharge Navigator Optimizations

All-user-bulletins highlight information that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Enhancements to Core Admission and Discharge Navigators

Connect Care uses "Navigators" to help prescribers complete complex workflows when key tasks are easy to forget. Core "Admission" and "Discharge" navigators organize review (e.g., problem, medication and allergy validation), action (e.g., orders) and documentation (e.g., discharge summary) steps that must be completed in a specific order. 

Many users have noted opportunities for improvement. Their requests have been heard and appreciated. A significant optimization goes into production July 30, 2024, including:

  • simple instructions highlighting the most important things to do in order
  • non-essential information moved to popups without cluttering the navigator
  • fewer sections more focused on prescriber priorities
  • careful grouping and ordering of sections to ensure that information dependencies are respected 
  • summary checklists that highlight unfinished tasks with links for getting the work done

The intent, flow and function of the navigators does not change. We hope that users who have come to avoid the admission and discharge navigators will give them a fresh try. An embedded feedback link goes straight to the build team for rapid consideration of any further enhancement opportunities.

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