
Consult Order Optimization Project - Adult Surgical Consult Orders

As previously posted, the Consult Order Optimization Project seeks to ensure that inpatient consult orders only exist in facilities where that service is provided using the consult order process. The first phase of the project goes live Tuesday, July 16, 2024, and focuses on Adult Surgical consult orders.

  • Where a consult order does not exist within a facility: 
    • For non-urgent consults or those for telephone advice only, consider calling/paging directly using the Regional On-Call Application (ROCA) or local call schedule information.
    • For urgent consults or for patients requiring inter-facility acceptance/transfer, use the Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order. No phone calls are required, unless the patient condition changes.
    • For hyper-emergent situations requiring the most expeditious consult or transport, call RAAPID by phone directly (do not use Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order).
  • If you detect any errors in the list of affected orders found in the zonal PowerPoint presentations linked below (i.e., a missing order or an order present that should not be), please submit a ticket or call Help Desk 1-877-311-4300. 
    • Please specify which consult order and whether you are the consultant that responds to that consult order or the attending, ED physician or other clinician requesting that service for your patient.

For more information: