
All User Bulletin - Default Internet Browser for Connect Care Links

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Default Internet Browser Change in Connect Care
Many workflows within the Connect Care "HyperSpace" workstation environment contain links to Internet resources that can assist users (e.g., Clinician Manual) or provide access to needed documents (e.g., MHA forms), guidance (e.g., eReferences) or decision supports (e.g., calculators). When these open in a pop-up window, they do so in an Internet browser. To date, the browser has been Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). However, many Internet resources are no longer compatible with IE. 
On July 6, 2023, the default Internet browser for pop-up links will be Microsoft Edge. Users will be aware of this change by noting the background colour of the browser window:
Prescribers do not need to take any action, but may notice slight changes in how some web pages display. Please alert the help desk if a previously working Internet resource fails in a clinically impactful way after this update.