
All User Bulletin - Inpatient Sidebar Enhancements

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Inpatient Hyperspace Sidebar Enhancements

Users may notice changes to the "Sidebar" (rightmost panel appearing when a patient chart is opened to an inpatient encounter in Hyperspace) starting noon September 30, 2021. The best way to learn about new functions is to select the embedded help link to gain access to a quick overview.

All the same Sidebar information is available. However, many Sidebar views have been enhanced with better clinical summaries. The Sidebar index now uses information about the current provider, patient and clinical setting to conditionally display the most relevant information. In addition, new features make it easier to use the Sidebar to access charting tools that complement what one may be using in Hyperspace's main (centre) panel. 

The biggest change relates to how the Sidebar summary index works. The index will always appear at the top of Sidebar views (default "Index" tab) and can be used to jump between different views. Index items have three parts:

  1. Clicking on a left arrow will open relevant information in the main Hyperspace panel.
  2. Clicking on the index title will open a Sidebar summary view with information matching the title topic.
  3. Clicking on a right arrow (when present) will open a charting tool (with data-entry capabilities) in the Sidebar itself.
The enhanced Sidebar better supports a number of charting needs, including:
  • Quickly find a tool not among one's defaults (and so not having to seek in menus).
  • Enter and update problem lists within the Sidebar while reviewing past notes in the main Hyperspace panel.
  • Gain rapid access to discharge planning tools.
  • Find and use supports for problem-oriented charting.

Time-saving charting efficiencies become possible with effective use of Sidebar tools. We will post tips and tricks in the Building a Better Health Record series of this blog.