
Trainee Bulletin - Change to Supervising Provider Workflow

All-user-bulletins highlight developments physicians need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Selecting a Supervising Prescriber no longer required at Login

Prescriber trainees, including medical students, residents and fellows, are supervised by fully licensed prescribers. These are “supervising” or “authorizing” prescribers. Unequivocal identification of the authorizing provider ensures that clinical documentation is appropriately attributed, and that critical and late-reporting results are appropriately routed. 

To avoid ambiguity, a requirement for "Supervising Provider" selection at login was introduced for Connect Care trainees in second quarter 2020. This led to practical difficulties for some trainees. The requirement is removed as of noon on December 8, 2020. 

Instead, a default authorizing prescriber is specific to each patient and encounter:
  • Emergency Departments
    1. Attending provider for the patient ED visit
    2. Current provider (trainee themselves, if they are an authorizing provider)
  • Inpatient Departments
    1. Attending provider for the patient admission
    2. Current provider (trainee themselves, if they are an authorizing provider)
  • Outpatient Departments
    1. Encounter provider for the patient visit
    2. Current provider (trainee themselves, if they are an authorizing provider)
If the authorizing provider cannot be deduced, then the trainee is prompted to select an authorizing provider at the time of ordering. 

The default assignment of an authorizing provider will work most of the time. However, it is important to know how to select an alternate authorizing provider if the default does not fit a specific patient interaction.