
Referrals Evolution – Lunch Sessions

The Connect Care Patient Access team is offering 3 noon hour sessions about clinical referral workflows and how these are facilitated by clinical information system (CIS) tools. Although of interest to all practitioners, clinicians and support staff responsible for referral management (referral, triage, scheduling, fulfillment and follow-up) can benefit from tips about efficient and effective referral workflows.

To join one or more sessions, use the registration link(s) below (opens a calendar invitation).

July 21, 2020, 1200-1300 – Referrals Overview

  • New to referrals or simply want a review? This session will outline the steps in CIS-facilitated referral management.

July 22, 2020, 1200-1300 – Referrals Tips and Tricks

  • Pointers to using referral tools to best advantage.  

July 23, 2020; 1200-1300 – Referrals Q&A

  • Specific referral questions? Please sign-up and submit your question(s) in advance by email to Patient Access (see below).
More information: