
Connect Care All-in-One

We've celebrated how Connect Care makes it easier to understand our patients' experience with health problems. But many may not appreciate how Connect Care also eases access to information about how to manage health problems.

There are a variety of ways to use clinical references, guidelines, websites and tools embedded in Connect Care:
  • Resource Links - A top toolbar button called "Resource Links" lists a number of immediately useful clinical resources, including:
    • AHS Clinical Guidance 
    • AHS COVID-19 
    • Point-of-Care Clinical Decision Supports :
      • Dynamed - clinical handbook with evidence-based summaries about management of clinical conditions
      • Lippincott Advisor - nursing & allied health clinical guidance and patient education
      • Lippincott Procedures - instructions about a wide range of bedside procedures, including patient education handouts.
      • Bugs and Drugs - evidence-based antimicrobial guidance
      • Lexicomp - drug prescribing guidance and patient handouts
      • Micromedex - detailed information about pharmaceutical agents and therapies, including POISINDEX and other toxicology information.
      • AHS Emerging Pathogens - sensitivity and resistance surveillance.
      • APL and Dynalife Laboratory Test Directories - information about available tests and sample collection requirements.
      • General and Clinical calculator collections - wide range of conversion, formulae, and other clinical assists.
    • AHS Knowledge Resource Service 
    • AHS Insite 
  • Dashboards - available as the "Dashboards" activity (tab) in Hyperspace
    • Learning Home Dashboards - often include links to clinically useful resources
    • Specialty Dashboards - are curated by Connect Care Area Councils and increasingly provide access to online resources of particular interest to clinical programs.
Some point-of-care resources are additionally "deep-linked" within ordering and documentation workflows, facilitating just-in-time access to relevant drug information, clinical guidance or patient handouts.