There are a variety of ways to use clinical references, guidelines, websites and tools embedded in Connect Care:
- Resource Links - A top toolbar button called "Resource Links" lists a number of immediately useful clinical resources, including:
- AHS Clinical Guidance
- Point-of-Care Clinical Decision Supports :
- Dynamed - clinical handbook with evidence-based summaries about management of clinical conditions
- Lippincott Advisor - nursing & allied health clinical guidance and patient education
- Lippincott Procedures - instructions about a wide range of bedside procedures, including patient education handouts.
- Bugs and Drugs - evidence-based antimicrobial guidance
- Lexicomp - drug prescribing guidance and patient handouts
- Micromedex - detailed information about pharmaceutical agents and therapies, including POISINDEX and other toxicology information.
- AHS Emerging Pathogens - sensitivity and resistance surveillance.
- APL and Dynalife Laboratory Test Directories - information about available tests and sample collection requirements.
- General and Clinical calculator collections - wide range of conversion, formulae, and other clinical assists.
- AHS Knowledge Resource Service
- AHS Insite
- Dashboards - available as the "Dashboards" activity (tab) in Hyperspace
- Learning Home Dashboards - often include links to clinically useful resources
- Specialty Dashboards - are curated by Connect Care Area Councils and increasingly provide access to online resources of particular interest to clinical programs.
Some point-of-care resources are additionally "deep-linked" within ordering and documentation workflows, facilitating just-in-time access to relevant drug information, clinical guidance or patient handouts.