
Connect Care Data Conversion Update

Data conversion is about how historical health information is selected and managed for transfer to the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS). Some data will be electronically transferred into the new CIS and other information will be manually abstracted prior to launch.

The Data Conversion Team continues to make progress. Validators from across AHS help verify that the data conversion process works as expected. The team is on schedule to complete all data loads and validations prior to November 3, 2019.

New resources are available to help clinicians understand what is or isn’t being converted into the CIS. A Data Conversion Fact Sheet summarizes the scope of many conversion streams, now including the Organ Transplant Tracking Record (OTTR) system. A Data Conversion User Guide  provides detailed information about the ways that users might experience data conversion.

Chapter 4 of the Connect Care Readiness Playbook provides details about different types of manual conversions as part of chart abstraction activities:
  • Appointments Conversions 
  • Outpatient Abstractions
  • Oncology Conversions
  • Medical Therapy Plan Conversions
  • Research Conversions
When data conversion yields potentially useful information, prompts are placed in relevant activities to ease review of that data. A Patient Storyboard flag also indicates whether outside allergy, medication, problem list or immunization data is available for reconciliation. A Reconcile Outside Information activity helps users recognize and manage data that they can selectively import.

After Wave 1 launch, the eCLINICIAN legacy CIS will be downgraded to a read-only state for a period of time. Other legacy CISs will continue to operate, and data will be synchronized regularly  until those systems also retire. This ensures that any externally updated Allergies, Medications, Problem lists, Vitals, Vaccinations and Genetics will be available for consideration.

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