
Physicians' Role in Cutover

Cut-over is a process through which key pieces of information about admitted inpatients are entered into the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) in the 48 hours prior to launch. Cutover includes both technical and clinical elements.

The primary concern for physicians will be the management of medication and non-medication orders, and the translation of important information about patients’ clinical status from a paper record to an electronic one.

Physicians facilitate five tasks as part of cutover processes:
  1. validating continuing medications to be entered by pharmacists,
  2. documenting continuing non-medication orders to be entered by the cutover nurses,
  3. optionally entering or validating patient-level health information for patients with complex problems,
  4. validating entered orders on the launch morning, and
  5. providing a brief summary note of the patient’s status at launch.
The following resources can help physicians understand and participate in cutover activities: