
Connect Care Continues to Move Forward

Excerpt from today's message from our Alberta Health Services President and CEO, Dr Verna Yiu...

Teams  across the province are actively engaged in bringing the Connect Care program to life. I want to say thank you to everyone involved and supporting this important launch.

As expected, the Government of Alberta on Thursday announced they are reviewing the provincial health information systems: Alberta Netcare, MyHealth Records and the Connect Care clinical information system, with a specific deliverable to ensure digital health information is used effectively to deliver more coordinated services and better results for patients, without duplication. We will participate fully in this review and look forward to its findings. 

This does not affect our work in preparing for Connect Care, and I want to reassure you that we are moving forward.

We know that Connect Care will have a positive impact on Alberta’s healthcare system, and lead to improved efficiencies and better patient care. We are committed to seeing it through to completion. 

We are so very grateful for the contribution and commitment of teams across Alberta, both inside and beyond our organization, who have been hard at work preparing AHS and our partners for Connect Care. Thousands of people have contributed thousands of hours to build, design and pave the way to better healthcare for Albertans. We thank you for all you are doing, especially as you are reaching peak activities to support this program. 

Full steam ahead, with deep gratitude for all our teams have done to get us ready for launch!