
Connect Care Readiness Playbooks

Implementing the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) will demand transformation throughout Alberta Health Services (AHS). Individual, unit, program, site, zone and system change is required to effectively adapt to a digitally enabled workplace.

A "Readiness Playbook" gathers recommendations and resources that enable adaptive change. The Connect Care Playbook addresses needs of AHS teams preparing for CIS launch in late 2019, helping them understand the information and actions needed.

Different "chapters" promote change management best practices, while responding to practical suggestions from operational stakeholders (clinical, medical, support, etc.). Recommendations serve and are owned by Connect Care's users. The Playbook will facilitate communication and help align the organizational and individual changes needed to get the most from Connect Care. Practical aids include tools, templates, tips and a monthly task-list. There are five 'chapters':

  • Foundational Readiness
  • Pre-Training Readiness
  • Training Readiness
  • Launch Readiness
  • Optimize and Thrive Readiness

The first chapter will be released in early November, 2018; starting the 52-week countdown to our first launch!