
AHS CIS Information Sharing Approach

​Information sharing is about how health data is collected, accessed, used, disclosed, and exchanged. Connect Care, as a continuum-of-care one-patient-one-record-one-system initiative, will challenge traditional ways of thinking about information sharing. To the extent that Clinical Information Systems (CIS) integrate across domains with different legislation (e.g. Health Information Act, Hospitals Act, Health Professions Act), regulations (e.g. CPSA charting standards) and policies (e.g., medical staff bylaws), a new and integrative approach to information sharing needs to work for all stakeholders in all settings. As clinicians move from independent to shared digital records, this touches the core of health care professionalism.
Diverse stakeholders have worked to develop a new "Information Sharing Approach" applicable to all AHS CISs, all participating health care providers and all settings. Shared rights, responsibilities and accountabilities are endorsed and embraced to build trust and protect the privacy, confidentiality, security and integrity of health information in all AHS CISs.
Learn more about the approach from the links provided and please provide feedback. The goal is to firm-up new arrangements in fourth quarter 2017.