
Phased Replacement of IMPAX Viewer - Edmonton Zone Next (New Date)

As previously posted, Provincial Enterprise Imaging (PEI) is replacing the IMPAX system as the new Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS). The next phase of implementation will be in Edmonton Zone; following an initial delay, implementation has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2025. With PEI implementation, OrthoView will also replace MediCAD as the orthopedic templating software. 

  • PEI Implementation
    • After PEI implementation, many medical staff will view diagnostic images and reports via the XERO Viewer in Connect Care.
    • Training is required to access PEI; training is available through MyLearningLink. Physicians and staff who require PEI access should have received an email to their AHS inbox from Identity Access Management (IAM) in January with training details.
    • If your role requires emergent access to images and you have not received a training invitation, please contact ProvincialEnterpriseImaging@ahs.ca
  • OrthoView Implementation

    • OrthoView is an advanced orthopedic planning tool integrated within PEI.
    • To learn more about OrthoView, see the poster for links to resources, including a recorded 1-hour OrthoView training session
    • Training for OrthoView is available upon request. If you require OrthoView training, please contact ImagingAppsSupport@ahs.ca.

The remaining zones will implement PEI in May and September; for more information, see the posters. Reminders for the remaining zones will be posted here closer to their respective implementation dates.


On Other Channels...

Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


Netcare Update - Connect Care Clinic-Administered Medication Information

Information about medications ordered for administration to patients in AHS and affiliated outpatient clinics has been a historical gap to community providers, as it is not accessible via Alberta Netcare. As of March 20, 2025, a new "Connect Care Outpatient Med Orders" display will be available in Netcare. 

Key points about the medication information that will be available in this display:

  • Data will be updated in real time.
  • Data is not available via PIN (Pharmaceutical Information Network) but will be in a separate tab in the medication section of Netcare.
  • The medications that will be listed are based on medication orders originating from Connect Care outpatient clinics. This means they are prescribed, but not necessarily dispensed or administered. This differs from information in PIN, which is based on dispensed medications. 
  • Some workflows in Home Care generate orders that may also be included in the new display. These are used for administration documentation for Home Care patients and are transcribed from a prescriber order. Details for those medications are already available in PIN.

For more information, see the 1-pager.


On Other Channels...

Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


BBHR: New "Medical Readiness" Button Adds to Discharge Planning Tool Kit

Building a Better Health Record (BBHR)

As part of our documentation quality improvement initiative, we promote practical ways for clinicians to provide clear and actionable communication at transitions of care.

New "Medical Readiness" Button in Transition Planning Tools

Connect Care provides a set of integrated supports that can help clinicians anticipate and plan for a patient's discharge from hospital. Designed to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration, the Transition Planning Package improves communications within and across encounters.

Recent enhancements (March 2025) provide a new way to indicate medical readiness for discharge for straightforward admissions.

A patient is "medically ready" for discharge when the primary provider discipline (referred to as "medical" for simplicity) for an inpatient encounter has completed clinical tasks and the patient is dischargeable. Other needs (e.g., further mobility promotion, destination facility readiness, community home care readiness) may delay discharge after a patient is medically ready. Connect Care provides discharge planning tools that can facilitate determinations about when a patient is medically ready for discharge. 

Simple Medical Readiness

  • The EDD editing tool is enhanced (March 2025) to include a binary button ("Ready Now", "Not Yet Ready") that can be used to indicate whether a patient is medically ready for discharge. The date of determination is automatically recorded. 
  • Demo: Medical Readiness for Discharge

Complex Medical Readiness

  • A multidisciplinary discharge readiness planning tool can be accessed from within the Rapid Rounds List (double-click on the Readiness column "traffic light" symbol), Rapid Rounds Report (click on the "discharge readiness" section text) or sidebar transition planning tools (again, click on the "discharge readiness" section text).
  • A pop-up tool facilitates simultaneous management of multidisciplinary indicators of discharge readiness, expected discharge date (EDD), discharge destination and the level of care. It also provides a space where teams can record discharge planning notes, which can be iteratively updated in a wiki-like fashion.
  • Tip: Discharge Readiness Integrated Planner
  • Demo: Discharge Readiness Integrated Planner


    Connect Care Scheduled Downtime and Spring Upgrade - Thursday March 13, 2025, 00:30-04:30

    What you need to know

    The Connect Care clinical information system needs periodic maintenance. The next scheduled update will occur during downtime on Thursday, March 13, 2025, between 00:30 and 04:30. On this occasion, all Connect Care production systems are affected, including Hyperdrive, Transfusion (WellSky), Content (Quanum), Dictation (Dragon Medical One), MUSE and ECG Web, MyAHS Connect, and the Link Provider Portal. The environment that controls information flow between clinical systems, the Regional Integration Engine, will also be taking a scheduled outage during this time (from 00:30 to 02:30). 

    • PRD SRO (the read-only copy of the production environment) will be available during this outage; PRD SRO is accessible from any computer used for documenting in Connect Care regularly. Netcare also remains available. 
    • Note there are also limitations on managing personalization settings before (and during) this period due to the transparent lockdown, previously posted about here
    • As the Regional Integration Engine will be down, resulting/messages from systems integrated with Connect Care such as WellSky (Transfusion Medicine) and AegisPOC (Point-of-Care Testing) will be queued and automatically update at the end of the outage.

    This downtime window is specifically for the Spring 2025 Upgrade, with changes to most Connect Care applications. These changes are primarily enhancements and will affect all prescribers using Connect Care. General summaries of the change impacts for Ambulatory and Inpatient Orders are available in comprehensive slide decks linked below, with additional slide decks detailing track-specific changes. These slide decks include links to tip sheets hosted by Epic; users will need to have an Epic account to view them. In addition, a tip sheet details changes specific to Mobility (Haiku/Canto). All these resources are also linked to from the Manual.

    What you need to do


      • Complete orders and documentation in the chart before downtime begins.
      • Stop using PRD for orders 15 minutes prior to downtime, as they may not be processed.


      • Check with Unit Clerk/Charge Nurse to confirm processes for ordering, documentation, and patient movement.
      • Use paper documents provided in clinics and inpatient units, with forms appropriate for orders and/or charting.
      • Postpone, if possible, routine orders or documentation until after downtime. This will limit amount of data entry and reconciliation required post-downtime.
      • Orders: Use paper order sheets for essential orders during downtime.
      • Documentation: Use paper forms or eScription for essential documentation for procedures or intervention results and reports.


      • Prescribers are responsible for the following activities for any patient admission, transfer, or discharge:
        • Updating the problem list
        • Completing medication reconciliation
        • Entering admission, discharge, or visit diagnosis
      • Prescribers receiving In Basket messages about missing chart elements should follow the link to the missing chart element and, for non-ED prescribers, enter “.DOWNTIME” (SmartPhrase) to complete the chart element, indicating that content is available elsewhere in the chart. For ED prescribers, use the SmartPhrase ".DTNOTE".

    Where you can find more information

    For essential information on downtime procedures, see the 1-page tip sheet. For additional information, see the Connect Care Manual:


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    Connect Care Satisfaction Follow-Up Survey

    You are invited to share your experiences with Connect Care! 

    Connect Care is once again working with the Arch Collaborative to assess best practices in healthcare information technology and the use of electronic health records (EHR). The collaborative uses standardized surveys and benchmarking to collect data which will improve the experience of clinicians using EHRs. The overarching goal of the initiative is to continually improve the satisfaction frontline staff and physicians have in using Connect Care and to benchmark against other organizations. The Connect Care team will use the feedback from the survey to make improvements within the system. 

    It is important that we know how the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) works for you, so we can continue to adapt and improve the system. Your information will not be shared without your permission. Please complete the questions so we can work to improve the function of Connect Care. This survey is specifically for clinical staff who provide direct patient care. 

    Providing feedback about your experiences in Connect Care will give AHS the information needed to make improvements. 

    The survey and an FAQ can be accessed via the below links. This survey will be available from March 3 to March 31, 2025, and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to ConnectCareSatisfactionSurvey@ahs.ca.


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 15 Now Available

    Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Spring 2025 Upgrade
    • March Optimization (aka Thrive) classes
    • Connect Care clinic-administered medications soon to be in Netcare
    • Upcoming Connect Care satisfaction survey
    • Out of country/province/zone patients in Patient Lists
    • Update to "Place in Outpatient/Hospital Ambulatory Surgery" order availability
    • Order tool updates that may impact prescriber personalization
    • Epic's instructional videos and Epic Earth 
    • And more!

    Edit - Mar 4/25: Please note the item on page 2 regarding a new order to request rare specialty tests has been edited in the digital version of the newsletter, as the change date is being rescheduled.

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


    Update: Phased Replacement of IMPAX Viewer - Edmonton Zone Delayed

    As previously posted, Provincial Enterprise Imaging (PEI) is replacing the IMPAX system as the new Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS). The next phase of implementation was originally scheduled for March 4, 2025 in Edmonton Zone. However, PEI implementation in the Central Zone has revealed new issues in the PEI system. AHS technical teams and the vendor are working together to find the root cause of these issues and a solution. In the meantime, to ensure patient safety and support clinical workflows, the PEI team has opted to delay the planned implementation of PEI in Edmonton Zone. 

    We will post the details here once a new implementation date has been established.

    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 14 Now Available

    Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • eDelivery routing method now available for more types of clinical information
    • Cleanup of pharmacy records (action may be needed)
    • New "Ambulatory Referral to Oncofertility" order
    • Health insurance status info now in prescriber billing tools
    • Bulk management of therapy plans
    • Proper use of Secure Chat for provider-to-provider communication
    • Physician Master Builder opportunities
    • How to report an adverse event following immunization (AEFI)
    • New Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) System Alert Management Policy
    • Respiratory Therapy ordering and referral tips
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


    Phased Replacement of IMPAX Viewer - Central Zone Next (New Date)

    As previously posted, Provincial Enterprise Imaging (PEI) is replacing the IMPAX system as the new Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS). The next phase of implementation will be in Central Zone; following an initial delay due to technical issues, implementation has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025. AHS and the vendor determined the root cause of the issues and are confident they are resolved, and the updated system will significantly enhance user experience. With PEI implementation, OrthoView will also replace MediCAD as the orthopedic templating software. 

    • PEI Implementation
      • After PEI implementation, medical staff will view diagnostic images and reports via the XERO Viewer in Connect Care.
      • Before zone implementation, staff who need PEI access will be invited to complete the required training through MyLearningLink. 
      • Training is required to access the system. If you need access to PEI and have not received your training invitation for the Central Zone implementation, please contact ProvincialEnterpriseImaging@ahs.ca
    • OrthoView Implementation

      • OrthoView is an advanced orthopedic planning tool integrated within PEI.
      • Training for OrthoView is available upon request. If you require OrthoView training, please contact DIBusinessSupport@ahs.ca.

    The remaining zones will implement PEI between March and May 2025; for more information, see the posters. Reminders for the remaining zones will be posted here closer to their respective implementation dates.

    Document & Results Routing Optimization – eDelivery Routing Changes and Downtime January 27, 2025, 00:30-02:30

    On Monday, January 27, 2025, the next implementation stage of the Connect Care Results Routing Optimization project will take place. This stage will improve the electronic delivery of some results and clinical documents to healthcare providers by making "eDelivery" (i.e., the system responsible for electronically delivering clinical information to community clinic electronic medical records [EMRs]) available as a routing method in Connect Care for more types of clinical information. 

    This change will impact all providers who have eDelivery, whether they work solely in the community or in the community and at AHS (“mixed-context providers”), by reducing duplicative delivery. In addition, Connect Care prescribers will see the new eDelivery delivery method when authoring a summative document/note or other communication where the delivery method can be chosen, and should be aware of the appropriate action (see the "What you need to do" section below). 

    While the change is being implemented on January 27 from 00:30 to 02:30, impacted Connect Care orders and results will be queued and downtime and recovery procedures should be followed as needed. The orders/results will be transmitted when service is restored.

    Summary of changes

    • Reduced duplication: This change resolves most duplication with eDelivery. Clinical documentation and results will, in most cases, be sent to a single location and via a single delivery method, based on the best available system information and on user entry or provider preferences.
    • Expanded eDelivery: This change will expand eDelivery to send more letters to EMRs.
    • More consistency: Clinical information will more often be delivered to providers based off the preferences they have provided. 
    • Impacted users:
      • All users who enter providers for routing of DI, cardiology, endoscopy, or letters including DI, endoscopy, and cardiology clerks; endoscopists
      • All users who author letters including physicians
      • All users who receive patient results and use the patient care team to receive results for their patients
    • Included clinical information:
      • Diagnostic imaging results
      • Cardiology results (excluding ECG)
      • Endoscopy reports/results (e.g., colonoscopy report)
      • Letters (e.g., consult letter)
      • Shared summative documents/notes (e.g., discharge summary)
    • Excluded clinical information:
      • Lab and ECG result delivery are expected to be added to this optimization later in 2025.
      • Community DI (e.g., Mayfair, MIC) and other community services deliver their own results and are not impacted.
      • Appointment/scheduling and referral notifications from Connect Care are not impacted. 
      • EMR eNotifications for patient admissions/visits are not impacted.

    What you need to do
    • Do not override the default communications delivery method: Connect Care users will see a new “eDelivery” delivery method in workflows where the delivery method can be chosen (click the camera icon below to see a screenshot). Users should select the appropriate provider and correct location (if known) in these workflows; however, they should avoid selecting the delivery method (i.e., overriding the default) unless necessary. Now that the system has address-level delivery methods and can better support eDelivery, system defaults are preferred in most cases, as these better align with provider preferences.
    • Add/update your Patient Care Team location: Physicians and clinicians may wish to add/update their membership on patient care teams using the "Care Teams" activity to direct information to an alternate location; the preferred location on the care team is used for routing. See the tip sheet for details.
    • Get support: Providers are asked to call the AHS Provincial Service Desk (1-877-311-4300) if they have not received clinical documents and results as expected (have your PracID available).

    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last few weeks. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week; this is our last digest for 2024. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    Email Subscription Service Ending for Connect Care Clinician Blogs

    Effective end of this month (December 31, 2024), we will be discontinuing our current email subscription service for all our Connect Care clinician blog channels. At this time, we do not have an alternate email subscription service available, but will continue to look for an appropriate service that meets our readers' needs. 

    In the meantime, the blog channels do each support “subscribing” to their RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, for those who use newsfeed readers - see the tip sheet for more information. For others, perhaps consider bookmarking the main Bytes channel (bytes.connect-care.ca) and checking in on Fridays and the end of each month. Digests of new blog posts across all Connect Care clinician blog channels are published most Fridays on Bytes under the title "On Other Channels". Also, our monthly prescriber newsletter, Between the Charts (news.connect-care.ca), highlights key blog posts from the previous month; issues are typically published in the last week of each month, and a notice is published on Bytes as soon as the next issue is available. Both of these updates are gathered under the tag "Updates", and can be directly bookmarked via ahs-cis.ca/cmioupdates.


    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 


    CMIO Prescriber Drop-in Now Closed

    As we approach the end of the fifth week of Connect Care at the Launch 9 sites, the CMIO Virtual Drop-in Centre has now closed. Though the launch support period may have ended at your site, that is not the end of Connect Care support available for prescribers. 

    It is expected that new users will continue to have questions as they encounter situations perhaps not covered in basic training, or when returning to a workflow they need a refresher on, or when there is an opportunity to dive into some of the more advanced tricks and tools available to get the most out of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) and make your user experience smoother. There are a number of post-launch supports in place for these reasons. 

    • If you are experiencing a problem that has possible immediate patient care impact, call the IT Service Desk & Solution Centre at 1-877-311-4300 (#1 for Connect Care). The Service Desk is able to provide high-level workflow and training support; urgent issues will be escalated to an on-call CMIO training team member.
    • For all other issues, take a look at this FAQ to discover the best post-launch resource to use for help.
    Don't struggle - ask for help. A solution is likely just a call or click away.

    On Other Channels...

    Below is a digest of new blog posts across all the Connect Care clinician blog channels in the last week. For more info on the blogs, click here. Note: A camera icon in a post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view.  


    Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 13 Now Available

    Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

    • Launch 9 accomplishments and remaining prescriber Virtual Drop-In Centre hours
    • Airway alerts on Storyboard
    • Expanded access to improved transition planning and Exceptional Care Plan improvements
    • Ordering partial patch doses coming soon
    • Referral Order vs. Recommendation
    • Variables that may cause a delay in viewing images after completion of an imaging investigation
    • How to report broken resource links
    • Publication schedule for holiday season
    • And more!

    The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

    If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


    Seeking Site Medical Informatics Leads (All Zones)

    Alberta Health Services is seeking passionate leaders to fill multiple available positions as Site Medical Informatics Leads (SMILs) in the North, Edmonton, Central, Calgary, and South Zones. The SMILs will collaborate closely with their Zone's Medical Leadership team and work together with leadership and healthcare practitioners at assigned facilities/site(s) to ensure the seamless integration and optimization of Digital Health. The SMILs will:

    • directly engage site leadership;
    • establish and maintain effective communications;
    • identify workflow and tool gaps;
    • contribute local/specialized knowledge;
    • be a visible champion for clinical systems; and
    • be involved in enhanced local decision-making.

    The SMILs will be seasoned physicians within the province of Alberta who understand the complexities of large-scale transformational change, have experience in clinical operations, are committed to continuous quality improvement, and can contribute to the innovation, integration, and consistency of patient-centered clinical care. The successful candidates would report to the Chief Medical Information Officer.

    The postings will remain open until suitable candidates are found. 

    For a full description of the positions and to apply, see the relevant zonal posting:


    All User Bulletin - Microsoft SharePoint File Collections Upgrade and Reporting Broken Links

    All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

    Internet Links to SharePoint Assets - Reporting Breaks
    Users of Connect Care blogs (blogs.connect-care.ca) and the Clinician Manual (manual.connect-care.ca) may find broken resource links in the coming weeks as Alberta Health Services updates its instance of Microsoft SharePoint, where many resources are stored.

    The CMIO portfolio has been careful to employ stable links that should survive the upgrade. We do not anticipate significant problems. Nonetheless, users can help by reporting any broken links, or other improvement requests, to the CMIO Editorial Board at:


    Document and Results Routing Preferences for Mixed-Context Providers

    Mixed-context providers (providers who work at AHS using Connect Care and in the community using another legal record of care) are able to receive results at multiple locations and by multiple methods including Connect Care In Basket, Fax, and eDelivery (electronic delivery direct to their EMR InBox). Delivery methods consider who (provider), where (location/address for each provider) and how (delivery method for each location/address). With this information, documents and results can be more consistently delivered to the right location (where the provider sees the patient). We call this approach to document and results routing “address-level delivery.”

    The provider’s record in Connect Care lists the locations/addresses they work at and, for each location, the preferred delivery method for that location. Mixed-context providers may have location listed on their record in Connect Care that are locations that use Connect Care; providers may prefer for those locations to have a preferred delivery method of “In Basket”.

    How does Connect Care route clinical information? 

    Where and how clinical information is routed for mixed-context providers depends on what is on the provider’s record in Connect Care and on in-system user workflow (e.g., ordering department in Connect Care, type of information, selections by staff transcribing orders). Where and how the information is delivered is evaluated in this order:

    1. When a Connect Care user chooses the address and delivery method as part of their workflow, that will be used instead of a system default or preferences.
    2. If a provider is listed on the patient’s care team in Connect Care as the patient’s primary care provider (PCP), the location at which they see the patient will be used.
    3. If a location is not known, the provider’s primary/default address will be used.

    How do I change my provider information or primary address?

    You can request that your delivery preference be changed to your Connect Care In Basket by contacting the AHS IT Service Desk:

    • Call 1-877-311-4300, option 1, option 1.
    • Let them know you want to change your delivery preference to Connect Care In Basket for all AHS locations and whether you want your primary/default to be changed to your Connect Care In Basket.
    • Provide mailing address/phone/fax for that location.

    For additional changes, a missing location, or if your clinic wishes to set up eDelivery to an EMR, complete the Provider Set-Up in Health Information Systems form.

    For more information about Connect Care address-level delivery, see the FAQ: