
Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 13: Get Ready for RAAPID

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Get Ready for RAAPID
Transferring admitted patients between facilities may seem a confusing process, particularly when the receiving facility is not on Connect Care. But there's help! 
  • RAAPID: The RAAPID (Referral, Access, Advice, Placement, Information & Destination) service manages all consultation requests within Connect Care, streamlining the process into a single "Intake Encounter". If transferring a patient to an alternate level of care or to emergency care, call RAAPID first.
  • Leave of Absence (LOA): Once RAAPID is involved in the process, a Leave of Absence order should be entered to communicate the unit to start the transfer process in Connect Care.
For additional information on RAAPID and LOA workflows, see the Connect Care Manual.