
On Other Channels...

Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels are listed below. Reminder that a camera icon in a blog post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 

Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 63: Get Ready for Patient Movement

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • (Optional) Register for the Patient Movement Fundamentals
Patient movement, or how to move a patient from one location to another using Connect Care as a tool, is cited as one of the most confusing concepts to grasp at launch.

The week of September 16–20 includes 1-hour Patient Movement Fundamentals readiness sessions on Facility Living workflows. Each session will cover the same content. Click the relevant link below to register for a session, or email the Patient Movement team.
Further patient movement resources are linked below.


Between the Charts: CMIO Newsletter for Prescribers - Issue 10 Now Available

Our monthly newsletter for prescribers, called "Between the Charts", summarizes key news items, Epic system updates, efficiency tips and extras that will help prescribers optimize their Connect Care user experience, all in two pages. The next issue is now out, available at the below link! This issue includes information on:

  • Fall Connect Care upgrade and downtime
  • Optimization Training classes in September
  • New Connect Quality project on improving Problem List use, to meet CPSA's Standards of Practice Quality Improvement requirement
  • Enhancement to Admission and Discharge navigators
  • Upcoming Glucometer Overview column in Patient Lists
  • Sorting Patient Lists by location
  • Upcoming admission and discharge In Basket notifications
  • Adding on additional lab tests
  • Address-level document and results delivery for mixed-context providers
  • And more!

The previous issues can still be accessed, via the archive in the Connect Care Manual. 

If you have any feedback on this issue or have a suggestion for content you'd like included in a future issue, please send us an email.


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 65: Plan Workload Adjustments

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Understand Prescriber Workload Adjustments for your Area
It is not a given, or often possible, that clinical service levels decrease at Connect Care launch. A number of strategies can maximize prescriber productivity, clinical service resilience and capacity for change.

Be sure to ask your clinical leaders (division, department, section, specialty, clinic, ward, NP manager, etc.) about plans to adjust prescriber availability and support in your area at launch. Discuss and confirm understandings at planning meetings.

Also anticipate your role in making things better for your team. Usually your best contribution is to take training seriously, especially personalization training, and to take the time to practice in the system after training. This decreases the likelihood that you will burden colleagues or slow clinical service around the time of launch.

See our Byte about workload planning for more information.


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 67: Report Wireless Gaps

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Report Wireless Coverage Gaps
As part of launch readiness efforts, the wireless networks in Launch 9 sites are upgraded to clinical-grade (high-density, high-performance) WiFi. Teams have walked the facilities to confirm that connectivity is universally present and up to the needs of providers and patients.

Coverage seems to be complete. Please help the wireless team by checking for AHSRESTRICT wireless networking signal and stability in all your clinical work areas. Please report any gaps or other challenges with WiFi at your site to IT Service desk (1-877-311-4300), providing details of the day, time and specific location of the problem.

Consult Order Optimization Project - Adult Medical (Part 1) Consult Orders

As previously posted, the Consult Order Optimization Project seeks to ensure that inpatient consult orders only exist in facilities where that service is provided using the consult order process. The next phase of the project goes live Tuesday, August 27, 2024, and focuses on Adult Medical (part 1) consult orders.

  • Where a consult order does not exist within a facility: 
    • For non-urgent consults or those for telephone advice only, consider calling/paging directly using the Regional On-Call Application (ROCA) or local call schedule information.
    • For urgent consults or for patients requiring inter-facility acceptance/transfer, use the Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order. No phone calls are required, unless the patient condition changes.
    • For hyper-emergent situations requiring the most expeditious consult or transport, call RAAPID by phone directly (do not use Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order).
  • If you detect any errors in the list of affected orders found in the zonal PowerPoint presentations linked below (i.e., a missing order or an order present that should not be), please submit a ticket or call Help Desk 1-877-311-4300. 
    • Please specify which consult order and whether you are the consultant that responds to that consult order or the attending, ED physician or other clinician requesting that service for your patient.

For more information: 


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 70: Confirm Remote Access

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Ensure that you have online REMOTE ACCESS
"Remote access" refers to any use of the clinical information system (CIS) outside of Alberta Health Services (AHS) networks ("intranet"). 

Will you need this? Some prescribers rarely work out-of-AHS. Some will only remote access through mobility (Haiku, Canto), which is good enough for results review, communicating, ordering, billing and simple documentation. 

Many prescribers need full Hyperspace externally. A security Token is required, as explained in the Connect Care Manual. For physicians, existing Netcare Tokens are automatically set up for Connect Care and require no new action; those needing remote Hyperspace who do not currently have a Token should apply now (note - the process is normally initiated by Zone Medical Affairs).
For nurse practitioners (NPs), remote access needs to be requested via Provincial NP Services. NPs can submit their request by following the instructions at the following link:
Physicians in Launch 9 are authorized for remote access by Zone Medical Affairs, who should be contacted for support (North Zone: NZ.Privileging@ahs.ca; Edmonton Zone: Edm.MedicalAffairs@ahs.ca; Central Zone: CZMAprivileging@ahs.ca; Calgary Zone: CAL.MedicalStaffOffice@ahs.ca; South Zone: SZ.MedicalAffairs@ahs.ca). For NPs needing remote access support, contact Provincial NP Services (prov.npservices@ahs.ca).


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 72: Choose Personal Device(s)

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Pick Personal Device(s) for Connect Care Use
Many of us will prefer doing some clinical information system (CIS) tasks on mobile or personal computing devices. These are set up to our liking, move with us, and work well in Connect Care facilities. 

This is a good time to check whether what we have is what we'll want. Indeed, it may be time to consider purchasing a new mobile device for clinical use. 

The following information can help decide what to procure or prepare:


Document and Results Routing Optimization (Action May Be Required)

On August 25, 2024, Alberta Health Services (AHS) Connect Care will be able to deliver more clinical documents and results to specific provider locations (typically where the patient was seen, rather than a default provider address). This may affect results delivery settings for some providers.  

Providers working at more than one health service location have been contacted with a request to verify their primary or default clinical address. In addition, prescribers are asked to confirm delivery methods for any additional practice locations. (Note: To have this change in effect on August 25, change requests must be received by AHS by August 19; change requests submitted later will be processed as soon as possible.)

Most prescribers are not affected. However, mixed-context providers (using Connect Care at AHS facilities and a different record of care elsewhere) will be able to choose a primary results delivery address other than the default Connect Care In Basket. If activated, this option causes results for tests ordered when working at AHS (currently received via Connect Care In Basket) to be sent to the alternate primary location. Results are always available in Connect Care. 

To choose a routing preference, prescribers should consider where results should be received if a test requisition does not include a service location. In most cases, the best primary location will be where most clinical work is done. For providers that work at AHS and elsewhere equally, the best primary delivery location may continue to be Connect Care In Basket. The system will use a patient's relationship with a primary care provider to help redirect information to where the patient was seen.

This change is one in a series of results delivery optimizations. Prescribers may continue to receive some duplicate results, but these should arrive at the most appropriate location. Future enhancements will significantly reduce duplicate result deliveries. 

For more information, see the Connect Care Results Routing Optimization Overview

Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 74: Get Ready for Continuing Care Cutover

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Anticipate Continuing Care Cutover
Cutover for Continuing Care is a process through which key pieces of information about residents are entered into Connect Care prior to launch. The primary concern for prescribers will be the management of medication and non-medication orders, and the translation of important information about patients’ clinical status from a paper record to an electronic one. There are different workflows depending on if you work in Designated Supported Living (DSL) or Long-Term Care (LTC) and whether your LTC has a contracted pharmacy or not; please see the relevant FAQ below.

Prescribers should anticipate, and mobilize resources for, two key tasks as part of Continuing Care cutover processes near launch:
  1. September 3–23: Please support the clinical teams by signing non-medication orders forms and Facility Living medication order forms (replaces standing orders) when requested by the sites. This information which will be entered by the cutover nurses and dieticians October 1–November 1.
  2. October 1–November 1: Validate entered orders the week before launch.
The following FAQs can help prescribers prepare for Continuing Care cutover activities:

BBHR: Integrated Discharge Planning Tool Eases Team Edits

Building a Better Health Record (BBHR)

As part of our documentation quality improvement initiative, we promote practical ways for clinicians to provide clear and actionable communication at transitions of care.

Integrated Discharge Planning 'Traffic Lights'

The Rapid Rounds patient list includes a "Readiness" column with 'traffic light' symbols indicative of a patient's readiness for discharge. This indicator is based upon determinations from multiple health care disciplines. Double-clicking on the column icon for a patient brings up an integrated discharge planning tool that facilitates simultaneous editing of readiness, expected discharge date, discharge destination and level of care. 

The same tool can be adctivated from the Rapid Rounds Report (click on the "discharge readiness" section text) or the chart Sidebar Transition Plan (again, click on the "discharge readiness" section text).


On Other Channels...

Thank you for continuing to check the Connect Care update blog for prescribers (ideally, subscribe to multiple channels; see instructions). Recent additions to this blog and its various channels are listed below. Reminder that a camera icon in a blog post on any of our channels indicates that there is an accompanying screenshot - just click the icon to view. 

Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 77: Confirm AHS Network Access

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Ensure that you have online ACCESS
This one's easy.

Make sure that you have a working Alberta Health Services (AHS) "Healthy" network username and password. These credentials are used to log in to AHS computers, email, Connect Care and many other systems. Your profile needs to be turned on for Connect Care access. Make sure that your username and password work at:
If you try logging in from outside an AHS facility, you will need to additionally have a security Token. More about that in a later task. Check out the Access section in the Connect Care Manual. Contact AHS IT Service Desk (1-877-311-4300) if your username and password do not work with myapps.ahs.ca.


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 79: Complete InfoCare (On Our Best Behaviours) Training

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Complete InfoCare Privacy Awareness Training
This one applies to everyone. Every prescriber must complete an online self-directed eLearning module entitled "InfoCare - On Our Best Behaviours" (OOBB). This solidifies understanding about responsible behaviours when working with personal health information. 

All prescribers must complete the module. Completion is demonstrated in a final section where commitment to privacy protection is affirmed with a series of statements. Access to Connect Care is not possible without OOBB affirmation. AHS physician privileges are also contingent. 

Log in to MyLearningLink.ahs.ca (MLL) with your AHS username and password. Search the available courses using "InfoCare". Anticipate spending about 20 minutes.

Get in touch with help.cmio@ahs.ca if you have difficulty getting credit for course completion. Macintosh users: save time by checking our MLL Manual section and tip sheet first. These resources also explain how to use an attestation tool if MLL does not credit course completion.


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 81: Bookmark Manual and Updates

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
A Connect Care Manual is available for desktop, tablet and smartphone use. The Manual summarizes essential clinical information system (CIS) information for prescribers. We keep it brief, in the spirit of clinicians helping clinicians. Details are exposed through links to Connect Care guides, tip sheets and training materials. Bookmark "manual.connect-care.ca".

The Connect Care Blogs are also worth bookmarking. Instructions for subscribing appear on all blog pages. The blogs include a general interest channel (default, "blogs.connect-care.ca") with news and updates, as well as important support information during the launch period. Other channels include:
Bookmark "blogs.connect-care.ca" and consider subscribing to one or more channels (each channel must be subscribed to separately).

It can be really useful to access the Manual and blogs on a smartphone, for easy reference when working with Connect Care. 

Consult Order Optimization Project - Pediatric Medical Consult Orders

As previously posted, the Consult Order Optimization Project seeks to ensure that inpatient consult orders only exist in facilities where that service is provided using the consult order process. The third phase of the project goes live Tuesday, August 13, 2024, and focuses on Pediatric Medical consult orders.

  • Where a consult order does not exist within a facility: 
    • For non-urgent consults or those for telephone advice only, consider calling/paging directly using the Regional On-Call Application (ROCA) or local call schedule information.
    • For urgent consults or for patients requiring inter-facility acceptance/transfer, use the Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order. No phone calls are required, unless the patient condition changes.
    • For hyper-emergent situations requiring the most expeditious consult or transport, call RAAPID by phone directly (do not use Connect Care RAAPID Service Request Order).
  • If you detect any errors in the list of affected orders found in the zonal PowerPoint presentations linked below (i.e., a missing order or an order present that should not be), please submit a ticket or call Help Desk 1-877-311-4300. 
    • Please specify which consult order and whether you are the consultant that responds to that consult order or the attending, ED physician or other clinician requesting that service for your patient.

For more information: 


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 86: Check Alberta Referral Directory

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Physician Registries - Check ARD 
Alberta has multiple sources of physician information. Connect Care uses these to inform a single physician registry. This is a good time for Launch 9 physicians to ensure that provincial databases have current and correct information.

The Alberta Referral Directory (ARD) is one such database. It is a secure, online listing that provides access to consultant demographics, referral guidelines and referral forms.

All physicians are encouraged to update their ARD entry, or have clinic staff take care of this for all clinic providers. ARD is incorporated into Connect Care referral workflows.


Transition of AHS Personal Network Drives to Microsoft OneDrive

The Microsoft Technologies Program at AHS is modernizing its services by transitioning all staff and affiliates from personal network drives to Microsoft OneDrive. This cloud-based storage application offers improved access and security for users who have stored personal work files using AHS tools.

The OneDrive project involves copying and moving all files from existing personal network drives to the OneDrive application, which is hosted on AHS/Microsoft 365 cloud storage servers. This transition is a prerequisite for effectively using all components of the AHS Microsoft 365 application suite.

The transition process is being done in phases and is expected to be completed by December 2024. The transition of prescribers’ personal network drives will be done in batches, beginning August 12, 2024.

Impacts of OneDrive Project File Migration

The migration to OneDrive will affect two groups of prescribers: those who use their personal devices for AHS clinical work, and those who use AHS devices.

  1. Prescribers using personal devices: The use of Microsoft 365 and OneDrive is optional and depends on each prescriber’s workflow and preferences. Prescribers using their own personal computers or mobile devices will see no configuration or access changes. Files currently stored in AHS personal drives will be copied and moved to AHS OneDrive.
  2. Prescribers using AHS devices: The OneDrive Project will move the current contents of prescribers’ personal network drives, as well as the AHS computer’s desktop, documents, and pictures folders to AHS OneDrive. No files will be changed or deleted as part of this migration process.

Prescribers will receive detailed instructions via email approximately one week before their personal network drive is transitioned. The below memo also includes further details, with links to more resources. For more information on the Microsoft Technologies Program and the OneDrive project, visit Insite


Countdown Checklist L9, T-minus 91: Consider Training Options

Continuing a list of essential actions for Connect Care Launch 9 prescribers readying for launch November 2, 2024...
  • Consider Connect Care Launch 9 Training Options
Depending on track, virtual as well as in-person classes may be available. Contingency plans are in place in the event of facility-level outbreaks. If required, all in-person training can be converted to virtual training. 

Registration for Launch 9 Connect Care training depends on the training track, and is open through MyLearningLink (mylearninglink.ahs.ca) or the booking page. Besides completing the training, please remember that completion of the privacy training, On Our Best Behaviours (OOBB), is also mandatory for access to Connect Care. Registration information is provided by Provincial Medical Affairs and Program Leads.