
All User Bulletin - Connect Care Training and Play Environments Down

All-user-bulletins highlight stumbling blocks that all prescribers need to be aware of when using the Connect Care clinical information system.

Connect Care Non-Production System Not Available

There is currently an unplanned outage of the Connect Care User Training (ACE) and Play (PLY) environments, which are used for independent learning and post-training practice. The Connect Care Technical Team is working on the issue, and we will update this notice when the system is fixed.

Update (2021-12-21, 11:25): Some ACE and PLY environments (ACE 11-18, PLY2) are now back online and are operating as expected. The remainder of the environments will be brought up online and worked on operationally throughout the day.


COVID-19 and Connect Care - Vaccine Orderset Adjustments

We've previously posted about updates to COVID-19 vaccination orders in Connect Care, reflecting things like changes in eligible populations, dosing intervals and boosters.

Further tweaks to these order sets, now in production, address the needs of newly eligible pediatric populations.


Prescriber Feedback: Survey on COVID-19–Related Terms in Connect Care

Prescribers providing direct care to COVID-19 patients are requested to participate in a voluntary survey to indicate the COVID-19related terms that should remain active for Visit and Problem List diagnoses in Connect Care. This survey is open to both Connect Care and non-Connect Care users.

There are approximately 160 COVID-19related terms for prescriber search and selection of Visit and Problem List diagnoses in Connect Care. A limited clinical review was recently completed under the direction of the Connect Care COVID-19 Working Group to reduce the number of front-facing COVID-19related terms available to essential terms only. As a result of this review, the terms were grouped into two categories:

  1. Essential: Essential terms active in Connect Care for prescribers.
  2. Further clinical review: Terms requiring clinical review to determine if they should remain active in Connect Care.

Survey responses will be used to determine which of the terms in the "Further clinical review" category will remain active in Connect Care. The terms in the "Essential" category are viewable in the survey for reference only. Terms not selected will be removed from display for all prescribers. Changes will not be retroactive.

The survey is voluntary and takes about 8 to 10 minutes to complete. It will be open until end of day on Sunday, December 12, 2021. If additional terms are required or you have any questions, please contact clinicalterminologies@ahs.ca.