
What a year, going and coming!

What a year its been... and what a year to come!

Congratulations to the Connect Care build team, who worked to a December 31 deadline for build buckets 1-4... and made it! Thanks also to the many committees, workgroups, experts, advisors and validators who worked the deliberations guiding design. The outcome is a Connect Care clinical information system (CIS) environment with AHS workflows, preferences and needs expressed; a major milestone in an incredibly big and complex venture!

The outcome is important, but so too is the process. We've built effective oversight, support, design and configuration capacity. Diverse stakeholders have learned how to work efficiently, forging a provincial perspective on how a digitally-enabled healthcare workplace should emerge and evolve.

The New Year begins with another deadline rush. All essential clinical system design (CSD) decisions need to be set by February 8, 2019. We are about 75% there, moving at a pace that should close the gap on time. Parallel CSD build continues, providing us with the documentation, decision and inquiry supports that will allow Connect Care to support clinical improvement.

Moving forward, our focus shifts from design and build to testing, training and readiness. The wave 1 first launch is a mere 10 months away. A lot of tough work coming in 2019! But we continue our Connect Care journey with confidence born of tremendous accomplishment already to hand.