
Internet-aware File Naming Conventions

File naming conventions have evolved from systems optimized for paper or index cards to ones attuned to computer file managers and, most recently, natural language processors. Current best practices build names in ways that are internet-safe, file-system optimized, and easiest to search and browse in disk directories, website management systems, online databases and internet search engines. Please see and consider the linked file naming guide, which draws upon international (ISO) standards, Internet best practices, AHS CIS guides, and AHS Health Information Management procedures to improve the usefulness of shared digital file collections for all stakeholders.
File naming norms: ahs-cis.ca/filenames


AHS e-Mail File Attachment Size Limit Increase

Email can fail if attachments are too large. We are pleased to learn that the allowed size is increased to 50 megabytes (MB).

AHS Email norms: li.ahs-cmio.ca/emailnorms


Protecting Important Credentials

AHS staff were recently advised to change any AppleID passwords they may have. This was in reaction to a news report about a hacker group claiming to have the ability to delete millions of Apple customer credentials. The threat did not materialize. Perhaps more important is the fact that genuine risks are unlikely to hit the news and often result from users willingly giving their credentials to ‘phishers’… one can’t always know when it might be important to change a password. Another approach is to implement ‘2-factor’ authentication, with the result is that, even if one’s credentials are discovered, it is not possible to log on to an account if the hacker does not also have a second factor; such as a smart phone, smart watch or authentication device. Typically, users are alerted to suspect logon attempts. Please consider turning this on for Apple, Google and other online services you commonly use.
Phishing description: li.ahs-cmio.ca/2ff
2-factor description: li.ahs-cmio.ca/2fw
Google instructions: li.ahs-cmio.ca/2fg
LinkedIn instructions: li.ahs-cmio.ca/2fl
Apple instructions: li.ahs-cmio.ca/cismd


Towards a Caring Information System – Connecting Care

As AHS embarks on its Connect Care journey, we are reminded of gaps that can be bridged with a comprehensive, continuum of care, integrated, clinical information system. Information gaps can fragment care in a frustrating, if not dangerous, way for patients. A compelling personal testimonial can be found in Eric Dishman’s talk about the need for team-work powered by information.


Netcare BPMH Forms and eSafety

The “Best Possible Medication History” (BPMH) form, which can be generated from the Alberta Netcare Electronic Health Record, can help practitioners gain an appreciation of medications that a patient should be taking, and actually is taking. However the form has limitations. It can be used safely if practitioners are aware of these limitations and take care to protect against error. 
​Netcare BPMH safety tips: li.ahs-cmio.ca/bpmhtips
Med Rec info: li.ahs-cmio.ca/bpmhinfo